Pigment Manufacturers in Ahmedabad, India
Amilite Alpha Blue
Great Colour Value
Outstanding Dispersion
High Heat Resistance
Good Filter Pressure Value
Exceptional Weather Fastness
Pick Your Blue
amilite alpha blue 15:1 A46MB (Master Batch Grade)
amilite alpha blue 15:1 A64FG (Fibre Grade)
amilite alpha blue 15:0 A33K (Plastic & Rubber Grade)
amilite alpha blue 15:0 ATWB (Textile & Water Base Grade)
Today amilite alpha blue is used across a span of industries:

For a start, we have been giving excellent quality products that our clients expect. There's no short cut on that key factor. We have brought together one of the finest chemists, researchers and engineers working with state-of-the-art technology. However, the most important difference is the way we look at our pigments.
We make sure that the colour you select is the exact colour that you will finally get – as accurate as a mirror image.